FROM THE KITCHEN: Fall Lentil Soup

Thanks so much for popping in today! I’d love to introduce you to my friend Holly Johnston of the Goose Creek Mercantile. Today she is sharing one of her favorite meals and how to make just about any meal with family and friends an occasion.

It's that time of year again when half the country is still poppin’ on shades and shorts and all of us here in the Pacific Northwest are battening down the proverbial hatches and getting ready for winter (read: fall)

Whatever the season, soup is always a welcome meal in our house. Seriously, we enjoy soup for dinner at least once a week year ‘round.  A grounding & nourishing meal, It can be hearty and warming, cleansing and light.

We have a couple go-to’s that we double up and then freeze (in quart containers) for a quick weeknight meal.  We're also not opposed to dressing soup up a bit for a weekend get together with friends. Good bread, a sprinkle of aged cheese, bright pesto and spicy finishing salt are all welcomed.

So when our friend Dannie Wit of Abeille Photography  joined us for a leisurely afternoon we decided to pull out all the stops.  It was so fun to set the intention that this was an occasion, not just a meal!  We broke out the linens and candle light and then felt our demeanor synchronize.  We were present to the moment and each other and even honed in on some table manners.  Food is my thing, but how a meal can bring people together and nourish relationships is truly magic.

The lentil soup we enjoyed with Dannie is the perfect comfort food.  The flavors are complex yet humble and can easily stand alongside vinegary salad greens or a grilled cheese sandwich.

Lentil Soup with Sausage, Adapted from Ina Garten


1 pound du Puy French green lentils
¼ cup   olive oil
2 cups yellow onion, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 TB     kosher salt
1 tea    black pepper
2 cups  carrots, diced
2 cups  celery, diced
1 TB     thyme fresh or dried
1 TB     ground cumin
1 6 oz can tomato paste
2 quarts chicken stock
1 pound kielbasa, cut in half lengthwise & then sliced
2 TB     red wine or red wine vinegar


In a large bowl, cover the lentils with boiling water and let sit for 15 minutes.  Drain.

In a large stockpot over medium-high heat, add the olive oil and saute the onions with half the salt and pepper, until translucent.  Add the garlic, carrots and celery and saute with the thyme and cumin for 10 minutes.  Add the drained lentils and tomato paste, stirring to coat.  Add the chicken stock, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, partially covered, for up to an hour or until lentils are tender.  Check your seasoning and add remainder of salt if necessary, add kielbasa and red wine.  Simmer until Kielbasa is heated through then serve with your favorite garnishes. Enjoy!


We're omnivores in our house but many of our friends are not.  This Lentil Soup recipe can be easily adapted for all diets.  Dairy intolerant?  Skip the cheese garnish. Vegetarian?  Substitute the chicken stock for veg stock. You can easily omit the sausage all together or choose a meat-free sausage such as Field Roast.

Photography by Dannie Melissa Wit | abeillephotography | @abeillephotography


Holly Johnston is the owner and curator of bespoke goods at Goose Creek Mercantile. With a background in anthropology and interior design, she has settled with her family in the Pacific Northwest and makes no apologies for her love for the art of making home or inspiring you to live boldly in this world. See more from Holly and Goose Creek Mercantile by following along on her adventures @thejorgenstons.


Can I admit something to you guys? I get scared. Sometimes, really scared. 

Of what, you ask? Well, first of all, admitting that I get scared. 

Secondly, of saying opportunities. 

Sometimes when opportunities arise everything in me wants to say 'no' to things even though I know I shouldn't. Relate much?


Anyhow, if you follow me on Instagram then you know that a week ago today, I had the opportunity to say 'yes' to a wonderful opportunity to a lifestyle site called The Glitter Guide and as excited as I was about it, everything in me wanted to run away from the idea of exposure and opportunity to have others enter my world. 

So, needless to say, I didn't say no. And it happened. And I'm learning guys. I'm learning a lot in this world of blogging and community and collaborating. I am so pleased with the  interview and had the amazing opportunity to work with some pretty awesome sponsors and my newly found photographer friend, Ryan Flynn or Ryan Flynn Photography.  


So, what happens when we say yes to the things that we are afraid of? Well, I've put together a list of my top three things I've learned about myself  and how I win when I step out of my comfort zone and say 'yes' to opportunities: 

I learned that I can do things I never thought I could. 

Duh, right? Well, maybe not so obvious. There's something so wonderful that comes out of stretching yourself beyond the place of comfort and doing something that you never thought you would do. We're not talking about saying yes to everything that comes your way of course but this is really more about not saying no just because you're afraid of failing or don't know what the outcome will be. 


I learn how to work with others.

And everyone who grew up as an 'only child' says, "No way!" Haha! The struggle is so real, friends. I'm 37, love Jesus and my family and friends but I STILL have to remind myself that surrounding myself with others who are strong where I am weak only makes me stronger. And that I can share my chocolates. I'm a work in progress, what can I say? When we say yes to opportunities we are allowing others to join us in a journey of discovering some pretty special things stowed away inside them as well. It's really a beautiful thing. 

You learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

Let's face it. You're not perfect. And for this Type A perfectionist, that's a hard pillow for me to swallow. But, alas, it's true. Saying yes means you're not just saying yes to the opportunity itself but also to the possibility that something will go awry or just not work out the way you intend. Can I let you in on a little secret? It's okay. Man/Woman up, fix it when you can and move forward. As long as we are sucking air, it's gonna happen.                         


A special thank you to those amazing sponsors who supported the styling of this home tour for The Glitter Guide. You helped add a little more sparkle to my shine. 

Joss + Main


All Modern

Rugs USA

Local + Lejos

The Woven Home

For full source list, see list below...
